
I am pleased to share that my painting Tenacity is the first of several that will be featured on the cover of Der Nervenzart, or The Neurologist in 2018. The journal is published by Springer Medizin in Berlin and is “an internationally respected publication organ. The magazine is aimed at physicians in charge of neurology, psychiatry and neurology working in the clinic. Fundamental insights and up-to-date information in these areas of expertise are processed in a competent and practical manner. In addition, questions from areas such as neuropathology and neurosurgery to psychotherapy are discussed.”

January 2018 Issue:

Der Nervenarzt

March 2018 Issue:

Der Nervenarzt March

May 2018 Issue:

May Der Nervenzart

July 2018 Issue:

July Der Nervenzart

September 2018 Issue:

Der Nervenarzt September 2018

November 2018 Issue:

Der Nervenarzt November 2018